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Orthodontic Associations and Companies
American Board of Orthodontics
The world’s oldest organization for orthodontists.
American Association of Orthodontists
The world’s largest organization for orthodontists.
American Dental Association
The ADA is the largest professional organization of dental professionals, and a great source of information on dental and oral health topics.
Invisalign is the clear way to straighten teeth without braces, using aligners. Learn more about the market’s leading clear aligner.
Invisalign® Teen
Invisalign is not just for adults anymore! Using a system of clear aligners, Invisalign Teen is an alternative to traditional braces.
Clarity™ Braces
Clarity Ceramic Braces may be used whenever metal braces are appropriate for treatment. While Clarity braces are strong like metal, they come off easily at the end of treatment. You can wear Clarity braces even if you participate in sports. Clarity aesthetic braces are the clear alternative to metal braces. An attractive translucent appearance and comfortable design gives you all the self-confidence you need to face each day with a smile.